Thursday, April 2, 2009

Fruit from His Spirit

Some definite patterns that have been effective since Fall in our Schooltime routine and schedule has been to set aside a nine hour day for most days. This includes the lunch hour, allows an hour for each of our 5 lesson hours, and for potentially three- 30 minute recesses, three- 15 minute family responsibilities (chores,) and three- 15 minute independent "supplemental" activities. Then we move on to our next hour of lessons. Independent work is incorporated into that hour of lessons and with the goal of increasing focusing skills his work must be complete in order to have recess.

This has reduced stress since I have been incorporating my daughter's kindergarten lessons into our day, seeking to help my son manage his time and improve his focusing skills during pencil & paper time, including the children in some of the housekeeping activities, and working in an opportunity to write more consistently. Unfortunately, I have not been exercising or watching my treat in-take so now that Spring is here I "look forward" to training with my son's running team.

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