Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Reflecting on Revelation (6 of 9)

Revelation has everything from the grandest to the smallest of details. Just, like the other letters that God has put in His book; He reveals who He is. We must be willing to dive and dig, not just peak into His Word. And as we reflect on who God is, we will see Him as Creator, Protector, Provider, Lover of our Souls, Life Giver, Gift Giver, and Restorer.

Throughout the Bible, (The Book of all Books) we see Him revealing Himself in these ways over and over. And, now throughout this last letter of His Book we continue to see all of these names prove to be true. He is giving us the opportunity to see that He truly is who He says He is.

But we have a part to play, we must listen and follow these messages given to us in this letter and if we do- much blessings will be given. Otherwise for those who reject Him and never surrender-they will experience the wrath that God will pour out on sin, and they will come to ruin as He restores Righteousness and brings an end to Selfishness and Evil. Consequences will come and those consequences will last forever.

We must guard ourselves from not getting caught-up in the temptations of this world. The world will try to convince us that following God is not exciting but the more we discover who He truly is; we will see that He is the author of all good things.

Here in the last four chapters of Revelation, we can celebrate. Not only the end of sin, our bondage to sin, and God’s wrath on sin but we can also celebrate the beginning of life as it was always meant to be.

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