Friday, July 3, 2009

Childhood & Summer days

Childhood is a beautiful time. Let's practice saying this together :-)... in the midst of rescuing, facilitating, nourishing, playing, and holding out for daddy-time.

Happy 4th of July!
Summer has arrived. This morning I washed down the jungle gym after my dh sprayed and removed bee nest, sprayed the frisbee with the hose out of a tree and searched for at least 15 minutes in a field of alfalfa for the ... frisbee. Lunch break is here and now they're getting video game time before swimming, campfire tonight, and camping out in the backyard! With dad not me, I'll be recovering! :-)

And in the midst of these sprints, I am encouraged by a friend who was prompting us this week to think on how our children wow us. They, truly, are wonderful gifts from God and I count it a privilege to be called mom.

One of the most recent things that come to mind is how my ds amazes me with how good he is at putting together puzzles. He has a 1000 piece puzzle going right now on a side table in his room. It's been going for awhile now which is totally cool because obviously it would take lots of time away from other things like romping, roaring, and exploring. But, every so often he gets in there and he chooses an area to focus on, and it amazes me how he finds these little detailed pieces.

And then my dd, she makes me smile with her creative dance routines and expressions that she puts to music. This has been a relaxed summer week so its been fun to see her dress up and bop around. The child has rhythm and we're wondering where she's learning her cute little steps.

Any fun stories of your own whether they are your children's or other children who are currently blessing your life. In the midst of the tough stuff whether it be tracking down toys, patching up boo-boos, responding to the tears, whining, arguing, being bullied by their peers, ignoring our instructions and "words of wisdom," in the midst of the tough stuff there are jewels hidden in the rough waiting to be recognized.

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