Friday, July 31, 2009

A momentary lapse of Summer

Where did the month go? Between good weather, a day at Six Flags, a week of camp for ds and Bible school for dd, a month of sports, swimming, playtimes, a race and attempting to keep up with my running appointments, a weekly small group, a home project, church activities and commitments, and some finishing up of the Math, Phonics, and History lessons; our month is officially complete.

At the moment, I am seeking desperately to have something to reflect upon, a little continuity within my devotions would be good, a good piece of literature, philosophy, theology. Though there will be days and times like these. It's time to pull up, seek perspective, read, and write again!


Candle said...

History lessons? I say rewrite that "His Story" lessons. Even in the language you use you are brain washed by the white male hegemony! I suggest you stop paying into that fund and start opening your eyes to the world around you. This is very sad!

Lauren St.James said...

Hi Candle, Hmm! Though I use the title History I teach that it is the story of humankind.

And though there are many gender-bias words in our language, I do not believe it is necessary to eradicate the use of MAN or HIS or gender neutralize in order for me to have a voice, a place, and to ensure that I can be a woman.

Thankfully, our gender is unique and gifted accordingly so that we can be a candle, a guide, bringing a form of civility to the tendency to focus on muscle-flexing and dominating that we've seen throughout history. I know the power of the sword and the tongue are weapons that both genders have used selfishly and for ignoble purposes.

I am thankful that I serve the God who values me and my husband so much that we are made in that image. Male and Female, we are created in His likeness. Yes, I know... His; but as I explained recently with my son... God has the characteristics of both genders.

And, that history as botched up as it has been, is not due to one gender; it is because of sin, selfishness. Our desire to take control is what got us into all of this trouble. We chose to be our own god. And, He gave us that chance.

As I read your profile, I echo your desire for peace. Thankfully our good, peaceful, and just God will return one last time and He will redeem and make right.

My prayer that we, male and female, will be prepared. He's definitely given us the time, if only we will surrender the desire to be and make our own gods.

Thank you for sharing...