Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Reflecting on Revelation (2 of 9)

In chapter six, the tribulation on earth begins. These will be the last days on planet earth as we know it. This tribulation time will last for seven years. And in this chapter, the first of three rounds of judgment begins. “The seven seals.”

On the scroll, six seals were removed. With each seal, God poured out His anger of sin on the men who continue to reject Him. These judgments included the four horseman of the apocalypse, as the first four seals were removed.

The first rider of the white horse brought a “promise of peace.” The second rider of the red horse brought war. The third rider of the pale horse brought famine. The fourth rider of the black horse brought death and Haedes.

When the fifth seal was removed, martyrs were seen. These martyrs were the ones who would surrender to Jesus and would be willing to die for their faith in Him. With the sixth seal, great cosmic disturbances occurred. The sun turned black, the moon turned red, stars fell from the sky, and an earthquake shook the planet.

In chapter seven, John sees that 144 thousand Jewish people were chosen to be protected and were given a mission to spread the gospel during the tribulation. John, also, gets to see the great multitude standing before the throne, those who will be saved during the tribulation. In 1 Thessalonians 4, we see that, ‘we who are still alive will be caught up together in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air.’ (Those who have surrendered their lives to Christ.) The dead in Christ will be raptured prior to us whom are still alive.

In chapter eight, the seventh seal was opened and at that moment there was silence in heaven for thirty minutes.

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